

When In Doubt, Figure Things Out

"Let us not seek to fix the blame for the past. Let us accept our own responsibility for the future."-John F. Kennedy

Everyone has things about their life that they'd like to change. I've dug myself into more holes than imaginable and sometimes it's just hard to figure things out. I hate feeling like I can't do something for myself or that I've done something that I can't fix for myself. I guess I've always been independent like that. But more so than recently, I've felt the floor of rock bottom and it's hard to accept reality. 

Review - Pinky Paradise Circle Lenses!

Before you get sketched out by the title, I know what you're thinking. I'd read a lot about circle lenses and colored contacts bought from over the internet before and I could have sworn that I'd never buy them until this last Halloween rolled around. Then I decided to jump on the super kawaii bandwagon that was circle lenses, and let me tell you, I was happily surprised.


The Only Way To Get Things Done; Do It Yourself.

So this is it. I've come full circle again and now I'm back to my blog. Literally, this is the one thing that I've kept coming back to time and time again. But I've decided that this is it. I'm sticking to it. I'm at a place where I think it's suitable for me to try again and try at something that I feel so strongly about. Writing for my own blog, keeping up with YouTube and my gaming website Kill-Screen, it's all something that I've wanted for so long. So this is the first stepping stone to me getting back on board. I keep doing this and I'm tired of how much I procrastinate and fall on and off the bandwagon so now I'm going at this will full force. You'll see so much more from me, I promise.