

My Preferred Body Type: Functioning.

This past year, I've really struggled with my body image. I'd always known that body image is a very important role in society, whether we accept that fact or not. As a young woman in today's society, it's almost impossible to feel as if you're not constantly being hounded by the fact that you're not "perfect". But what is perfect? In the world we live in today, being perfect is a size zero and let's be honest, the ways that young women are trying to achieve this goal is a lot less than perfect.

I think Tina Fey sized it up the best:

Let's talk about this. 

Body issues have constantly been a problem for not just young women, but men as well. We're subliminally fed messages constantly through advertisements, fashion, and public statements of what beauty should be. Beauty is no longer about the contents of ones soul, but it's now about the fact that you can fit into designer jeans that only run up to a size five. We've lost moral values in this slew of constant criticism of how one should look. Being curvy and beautiful was once the craze and the slim girls cried over how they didn't have tits or a butt.They would binge eat in attempts to be as "beautiful" as the girls they weren't. Now it's the opposite. Starving thick girls who would die to see their colar bones is now what in and this sickens me. People are no longer losing weight to be healthy but rather to appease the constant social standard that we all must face.

My name is Cassidy. I'm eighteen years old and 155.9 pounds. According to my BMI, I'm overweight. I've never felt overweight until I hit high school. I became a wallflower because I didn't have the shape of a middle schooler anymore. I fell victim to the fad of dying to be skinny. I thought about how I should stop eating, I hated the thought of puking so I figured cutting out the middle man would be easier for me. I didn't eat for a week. I felt really weak and I hadn't lost any weight. I cried because I never wanted to come to this so to cheer myself up, I bought a cheeseburger and a large sweet tea.

I never want to think that way about myself again. I have times when I look in the mirror and notice how out of shape I am, but thats the most I'll say. For one bad thing I say about myself, I say ten positive things. I try to boost my self confidence because I know that even though I accept the way I am, the outside world still doesn't. And I notice that in the mix of the starving skinny people to the unhealthy obese, we have no middle ground. The factor of being healthy has been lost.

I want to get healthy. I'm not starving myself, I'm not succumbing to our now superficial standards pertaining to weight, I just want to be able to live long enough to see life to the fullest. I'm making a point. I'm not going to starve myself, I'm not going to do anything drastic, I'm going to make a change that for the better of my wellbeing and my future. I want my body to be at it's full potential and to be the best body that it can be. I'm removing junk food from my diet, mostly eating clean and healthy foods, but not completely sacrificing the things I love. I want to prove to everyone that you don't have to stop eating to slim yourself because that's not what beauty should be. Beauty should be the fact that you're alive and breathing. Beauty should be the fact that your body is working at it's 100% everyday. This is what beautiful should be.

I'll be making a YouTube video to further make my point sometime this week so if you want to follow my journey and my stand against the harmful ways of weight loss, you are more than welcome to.

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