

My Preferred Body Type: Functioning.

This past year, I've really struggled with my body image. I'd always known that body image is a very important role in society, whether we accept that fact or not. As a young woman in today's society, it's almost impossible to feel as if you're not constantly being hounded by the fact that you're not "perfect". But what is perfect? In the world we live in today, being perfect is a size zero and let's be honest, the ways that young women are trying to achieve this goal is a lot less than perfect.

I think Tina Fey sized it up the best:

Let's talk about this. 



So I found myself being rather stressed latley. More so than ever. It was last week of high school, tests are killing me and it seemed that my "friends" are fleeting. I've been stressed out, upset, anxious, practically every feeling that contains bad energy, I've experienced. It had to be something in the water because quite literally, it felt like my world was crashing down. Now I'm sitting around the bits and pieces and deciding what I need to do because it's really not going to get better unless I try.


Review: Maybelline Lash Stiletto Voluptuous

Ok so, after saying I was back and better than ever, I'm already off a day, of course. 
But I really am back now! I was having issues with my computer over the last week but everything is fixed and ready to go so I figured I'd start you off with something that I've tried out and that would be the Maybelline Lash Stiletto Voluptuous mascara.