

A Week Full of Shenanigans + Disney FOTD

So I've been MIA, I know, it's the last time I will be for a while though! This week was just absolute insanity for me. I went to Disney with my friends and then the rest of the week just seemed like this massive blur. It was almost like I blanked and then woke up in Hollywood Studios. Pretty awesome senario right? Well This week was a lot more than just some bland trip to Disney had I paid attention. A  lot happened! 
Not only did I go to Disney, but I got accepted into my dream college; SCAD. I was so excited and I couldn't be happier until I got the really sucky news that my chances of actually attending the school are slimmer than the chances of MAC lowering their prices. That school means so much to me and the finances that we don't have to let me go there just kills me. But with every bad situation, theres always a silver lining. Hopefully I'll see it soon.

But Disney was a lot of fun. I got a massive amount of pictures that I thoughtfully put into a fun collage for you, plus some pictures I took during that week of miscellaneous things and amidst the craziness of Disney, I took a few pictures of my makeup, no full face pictures though! 

I know, my eyebrows are ridiculous right now, I really apologize for their bushiness but my tweezers have been jacked by one of the other people in my house. 

A little update on my pictures, I got a macro lens and I'm currently trying to figure out how to work it to the best of my ability. Its really been a lot of trial and error but I promise you, it will come together soon enough! 

I'll post some more FOTD's and OOTD's later on this week when I feel like I do look camera worthy enough and I have about three or four product reviews I'm ready to pump out! PLUS I'm getting my hair done tomorrow and I'll put some pictures up of what it looks like when it's all said and done! So until then, I leave you with this!


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